If you quit smoking, in addition to the health benefits, saving money will be an advantage. And life will sparkle with new colors and aromas. The benefits of quitting smoking and changes in the body.
3 September 2021
How long does someone who quit smoking keep coughing? What are the reasons for his appearance? Is it boring to treat a cough when quitting smoking? Answers in the article.
21 August 2021
The fight against nicotine addiction can be gradual, or it can be sharp and decisive. What will happen to your body if you suddenly stop smoking?
18 August 2021
When the decision to quit smoking, the daily consequences for the body appear. Recovery begins as soon as rejection. This article will tell you about all the advantages of the solution.
7 July 2021
How to quit smoking quickly and easily, the story of a smoker how to quit smoking on their own, 3 immediate steps, 6 steps to get rid of addiction, conclusion.
22 December 2020
Cigarettes after toothpaste, medical measures, effects of nicotine, alveolitis, blood pressure, smoking hookah, viping, dentist recommendations, doctor's advice, what is forbidden, what to do, results.
29 November 2020
How to smoke cigarettes and cigars properly: helpful tips and advice.
30 August 2020