Why do you dream about smoking - interpretation of dreams in popular dream books. Find out from the dream book what the dream of smoking represents.
21 February 2024
A smoking cessation calendar will be needed at all stages of smoking cessation, from the desire to quit and ending with maintaining a stable remission. In the article, you can find the calendar of a smoker who quit smoking during the day.
22 December 2021
Why is smoking bad for your health? What methods will help you quit smoking effectively and quickly? Alternative and folk remedies for addiction.
8 September 2021
Causes of pain in the abdomen (stomach), heartburn and nausea after quitting smoking. About what causes weakness and health when you quit smoking. Why it gets worse: acne, leg pain, and other possible side effects when you quit smoking.
18 August 2021
What happens to the body when nicotine addiction is abandoned: the body’s day-to-day recovery process.
5 November 2020
How to quit smoking quickly and easily? Effective folk methods, methods of psychological influence, expert advice.
26 August 2020